What Is A Proverbial Woman

Did you know the proverbs 31 woman is so much more than “just a wife or woman”.....

She is a business woman, a worker in the fields, she takes care of others outside of her home, she isn’t idle, people respect her because of her wisdom she has gained in being productive!

You notice it doesn’t say...and she worried about what her neighbor was doing or that she took time out of her day to gossip about how someone was ruining their life in her opinion?

So often we shame women for doing what they may be called to do instead of cheering them on. We think we know what’s best for them in our infinite wisdom. We don’t stop to wonder if maybe that’s the “ministry” God’s called them to be in. Our words may be what push them into disparity without us even knowing!

We only see the outside but God sees the heart!

So strive to be that proverbs 31 woman and chase after God’s will in your life! Unless someone is going against God’s Word lift them up and be happy when they succeed.

Their road is not yours and visa versa. Try reaching down or side ways and pull your sister in Christ with you!!

Your encouragement maybe will be what gets them through the day

Throwback pc: Branded in Ink