Day 2 of Proverbial Woman

Day 2 of the Proverbial Wife

“She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.” Proverbs 31:13-15

In order to have a better understanding of vs 13 we have to go back to the time this was written. At that time you couldn’t swing into your closest target, Walmart, etc…you actually had to make your own clothing by hand! So when it says she seeks out wool and flax…it is literally stating that she clothes her family. She ensures that no one goes without. And she does it willingly!! She doesn’t grumble. How often do we see our children out growing their clothing as a burden instead of a blessing that we were able to watch them grow? How often do we complain to our husbands that they are to rough on their clothes instead of being thankful that they are providing for their families by working? Are we willingly clothing our family?

Vs 14 goes on to say “she is like a ship”. Now we know that it isn’t saying she sails the seas in search of food. What it is implying is that she finds good food for her family! She is always looking for food that her house will love. She will even travel to get it. There are times when i really do not want to go shopping because I don’t want to go to town. But to ensure my family doesn’t go hungry i sit my backside in my rig and go anyways. I become that ship to my children and husband bringing them sustenance.

Vs 15 is probable one of the most convicting verses for me in this chapter. Here we are told that she rises before the sun is up. She doesn’t sleep in or wait for someone to bring her breakfast in bed. She gets up prepares food for everyone in the home and makes a plan for the day. By doing so she ensures the day to run more smoothly because she has planned it out and not “winged it”. She won’t be frustrated and working at 11 that night because she didn’t get up till 10. I have found that getting up before my kids and husband is actually so nice because i can get my Bible time and planning done for the day. It truly does make my day go so much smoother. Does that happen a lot..sadly no especially with this pregnancy. But again this is just a guide line to become excellent in Christ.

These 3 vs we see that she gets up and does her quiet time and then provides for her family. So often as wives and mothers we forget to have that little bit of quiet time with God and our planner because “we just need 10 more minutes of sleep”. The end results is we are burnt out and snapping at our families. We become the mom that we said we didn’t want to be.

What is the solution….Find the time to spend with God and ask Him to help you overcome those problems. Then start putting into place things that will help you. You can’t expect God to meet you half way if you aren’t will to become a little uncomfortable and put in the work. Make sure to give yourself grace dear sister. You are human and you will fail. But God is more concerned with how you get back up. Are you going to lay in self pity after falling down once or are you going to get your but back in the saddle and see what happens?

With Christ “all things are possible”. It might amaze you what changes you see if you open up and follow the manual on an excellent wife and mother❤️