Toxic Laundry

Your laundry room is toxic!

Yep you read that correctly!! Bleach, stain removers and fabric softeners are considered hazardous waste and you are supposed to be super careful when disposing of them.

Did you know that bleach disrupts women’s hormones? I don’t know how many times I’ve shared this little tidbit with another woman after she tells me she suffers from headaches/migraines and a couple of weeks later they come back to me saying they stopped using bleach products which resulted in them not having headaches anymore!

Now I have heard plenty about how the pioneers used bleached to clean their drinking water and it saved a lot of people….I agree bleach has its place but not as the main ingredient in every house hold cleaner we touch. Frankly the pioneers also believed that if you drank a concoction of ashes that had originally been cow pies it would rid you of consumption….but I digress!

Did you also know that unlike cosmetic and food, cleaning companies do not have to disclose to you all the ingredients?!

Most of your favorite major brands are loaded with various toxic chemicals!

So what is a safe alternative?

Well you can do what I did and throw all of your store brands away and start making your own!! Smells amazing and is so much better for you!

Plus my whole family has noticed that the various rashes and acne that had a hold on our home cleared up when we switched!

My cleaner recipe:

Distilled white vinegar

Essential oil or infuser of your choice

In a big mason jar I throw in oranges or one of my favorites lemon and pine needles to infuse for a couple of weeks. Once you are ready to use strain and place in a spay bottle! Then clean away!

My laundry detergent:

60 ml sky high washing suds (

60 ml baking soda

Then I pour till my heart says stop of my infused vinegar

Once washed I throw the clothes in the dryer with wool dryer balls (dryer sheets have wax and aren’t actually good for your clothes)

Super easy and super inexpensive alternative to a problem if you ask me!!

Throw the crap out and start washing!
