The biggest myth around women’s health and my journey for facts!

For almost 6 years now i have been struggling off and on with my health. Since i can remember i have had acid reflux and bloating issues. As my early 20s progressed i started suffering from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I couldn’t remember anything unless i wrote it down 3 times and even then i had trouble. I was in and out of urgent care, getting blood test and having doctors prescribe me medications to alleviate my issues.

Last year all of it came to head when i woke up in September (4 months postpartum) at 2 am with what I thought was a heart attack and respiratory failure. I managed to awaken my husband by beating him in the chest and gasping out “er can’t breath” as it felt my chest was about to burst from the inside out. Due to the fact that I wasn’t getting oxygen in and kept trying to pass out on the way to the er he slapped me on the back so that i could get a breath in and stay lucid. Once at the er they could not figure out what was the matter with me. After about an hour of the worse pain I had ever experienced (mind you i have had 3 unmedicated home births) it disappeared as fast as it had emerged. They sent me home with sever bloating and the doctor even asked the nurse if she thought i was pill seeking. Talk about lots of help….

For 3 weeks i barely slept for fear i was going to relive that night mare…..and i ended up doing just that. This time i decided instead of being deemed a druggy id walk of the bloat….after 30 minutes of forcing myself to walk through the pain in our driveway at 2 in the morning i managed to stumble to our front door and collapsed as i got it open managing to get out “Thad help”. He rushed Cam our daughter back to her room before she could see me drag myself to the edge of our deck and start puking from the pain. By the time his mom managed to make it to our front door i was in the fetal position as it was drizzling rain on me. She was able to help me out of it and we began our trek back to the er. There i was seen by a different doctor and right away he diagnosed me with Gallbladder issues and proscribed me high powered pain meds.

Over the next month i was barely sleeping and eating even less due to fear. I ended up back at the er because my oxi was failing to bring me any relief. The last time they gave me morphine which took the edge off. After a consultation and lots of money spent on testing i was told i needed to have surgery and it would be minor on an unnecessary organ. When i asked if there was anyway we could rehabilitate my gallbladder naturally i was informed that it wouldn’t work. Mind you i was 5 months postpartum at this point. The only answer was surgery.

That answer wasn’t good enough for me so we packed up all of our kids and made a trip to Wyoming to the only naturopath that i could get in with on short notice. What i learned from him blew my mind and made me very angry at out medical professionals.

You absolutely do need your gallbladder for healthy digestion and there is nothing minor about the surgery.

Did you know that more often than not your gallbladder is actually the scape goat for something else being wrong?!

After my appointment with him and getting some tips i came home and managed to get in with a naturopath 30 minutes from my home. After hormone testing and a liver detox we figured out that my liver was on toxin overload and my hormones were an absolute mess. She prescribed me natural remedies along with diet change and within a week i went from barely living to feeling the best i had ever felt. My brain fog cleared, my acid reflux went away, i started having less depression, and my anxiety/panic attacks went away! These are just a few things that were no longer a part of my daily life and all because i decided to not have surgery but get to the root of the issue.

Maybe you are like me and struggle with a slew of health issues….go see a naturopath and get checked!! I promise the prescription medicines and birth controls will only “help” for a time before it doesn’t anymore.

It is highly recommended that women actually start having their hormones tested when they stat having their first cycles to help maintain optimal health. More often than not what we deem as “normal” is actually our hormones screaming for help.

Maybe you have had the doctors tell you you need gallbladder surgery or you have already had it taken out….I highly recommend this book for you=>

If you are a woman please, please, please do your research on hormone disrupters (bleach) and toxic substances to your liver (Tylenol) and find natural alternatives. As a victim of both, having switched to homeopathic remedies and natural substances, i finally have my life back and am not crying over the thought that my children may grow up without me as I lay in an er bed.

I can only thank the good Lord for doubting of the doctors and researching for myself on the facts of women’s health and how delicate it really is!
